A better way to donate.
DonationHub allows people to make custom donations to their favourite organisations, and manage them all in one place.
We also allow people to donate with confidence knowing their money made it to the organisation without greedy middlemen (like marketers and salespeople) taking a cut.
By making the giving process more convenient, personalised and transparent, we can create more positive change in the world.
Where it all started.
Ever since a teen, our CEO Mark Cordy always wanted to do something for those in need. His entire family is very passionate about charity and he originally wanted to build an orphanage, but then discovered it’s easier to support existing orphanages.
Mark was watching a report on TV about how marketing companies and telemarketers do work for charities (like those people standing in shopping malls) but in the fine print, it says over 90% goes to the marketing company while the charity gets the tiny amount left over. This was shocking and very disheartening!
He knew he had to do something. So he asked… “How could I create a way to help charities get all (or most) or the money?” It has been a work in progress for years, and now it’s finally launching.
Mark’s goal is to make sure that all the money goes to the charity, and the only fees would be from the bank (which the donor can cover if they want to). DonationHub’s vision is to build a network of charities that we can help grow, and give them the tools they need to achieve their mission.
Making donating easier.
On top of cutting out the middleman, our platform was designed to make donating easier. After working with charities and NFPs over the years, Mark realised it can be quite difficult to donate to multiple charities. Donors have to log in to each individual websites (or call them up), and managing their donation or getting receipts can be a real headache.
Convenience = more funds.
He saw a gap in the marketplace to make it easier for people to donate — and by doing so, could also help organisations raise more funds and increase their reach. He realised the importance of having innovative and affordable solutions to make a real change.
By making donating easier, more convenient and more personalised, we can create more positive change in the world. We’d love to have you along for the journey!
DonationHub is more than just a payment solution.
We are a socially conscious software company that inspires people to create change and aren’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. If you’d like to keep up with our mission to create more positive change in the world, follow us on social media to keep up with the latest news!