Donate to multiple causes and manage them all in one place, without having to worry about a middle man taking a cut.
We’re on a mission to make donating more convenient, transparent and impactful. As a donor it’s more convenient and you can donate with confidence knowing your money made it to the charity, and as an organisation you can raise more funds with lower fees.
Why use DonationHub?
No Middle Man
Donate with confidence knowing your money made it to the organisation without greedy middlemen like marketers, salespeople and software companies taking a cut.
Donate to multiple organisations and manage them all in one place. Customise donations by amount and frequency, and easily manage your preferences at any time.
Low Fees
As an organisation, DonationHub helps you raise more money and reduce costs with super-low fees that can be passed onto the donor if they wish. We also give you a bunch of handy fundraising tools!
By making the giving process more personalised and transparent, we can create more positive change in the world.